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The service involves to purchase/sale the currency of one country using the currency of another country.

You can buy or sell foreign currency over the counter in any of our branches countrywide.

The below RATES are applicable for all forex transactions, for larger amounts and equivalent to $1,000.00 our treasury department can be contacted for further negotiations.

Foreign Exchange Forwards

You can arrange with our Treasury team for the sale or purchase of a specific amount of foreign currency at a specified exchange rate for settlement on a date up to 180 days (6 months) in the future.    

This enables you to eliminate any risk of exchange rates moving between the time that commitment is first established (deal date) and the date of actual delivery of funds (value date) at no additional cost.

Foreign Exchange Swaps

Swaps allow our clients to manage the exchange and interest rate risks associated with financing and investing in currencies other than the domestic one,such as USD against TZS or else for a similar period of time as agreed between parties. These deposits are under Qardh contract.


  • Cost free
  • Reduce the risk of loss on sale or buy of a foreign currency


  • Financial institutions or corporate customers only
  • Agreement between parties
Spot Foreign Exchange

Currency Traded: USD/GBP/EURO/ZAR
Branch Limit:USD 5000


  • Customers only, no walk in.
  • Supporting documents.
  • Use Purchase or Sale slips.
  • Maximum delivery period is 3 days.


Currency name Buying Selling Date
USD 2,530.00 2,625.00 14-02-2025
EUR 2,536.00 2,962.00 14-02-2025
STG 3,160.00 3,556.00 14-02-2025
AED 669.00 744.00 14-02-2025
UGX 0.76 1.00 14-02-2025
KES 17.81 23.61 14-02-2025
ZAR 136.93 148.92 14-02-2025


FX Calculator

Tanzanian Shillings (TZS)

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